Fatima insists to Ammi that I also have to iron the clothes. No Karan son! Not yet… you're too young to iron clothes.
Fatima insists to Ammi that I also have to iron the clothes. No Karan son! Not yet… you're too young to iron clothes. Mom! Once! Let's do it just once… Good, good! Fatimah, take this... Brother's wash-ware is done, iron it and put the iron on number three and four... Yes, mother! Karan, I am going to the kitchen to do the ironing carefully... Yes mom, don't worry... Mom was about to leave when Fatima set the iron to six
And then what was to happen? Karta got burnt. One color of Fatima goes and another color comes, what will happen now? Mom will scold you. Even though they forbade me, I persisted...Fatima's mother entered the room and found Fatima holding her hands on the sofa in a state of distress... What happened to Fatima? Mom! Mom! I got a shock... Mother hugged Fatima. Soon she went to the ironing table. She was lying on the ironing table. Mother threw the burning iron on the ground and said, "Fuck this iron. Thank God you are alive." Seeing the love of the departed mother and because of the burden of lies, Fatima was happy in her heart.
Then that day passed and today came. Whenever Fatima was in danger of being reprimanded by her mother, she would turn the matter around by resorting to lies. Narrated the story of a man who brought home a baby snake that was shivering because of the cold lying on the road and lit a fire to relieve it and save it from dying. Feed him milk
One day when that person was sleeping, a snake stung him... Why did he do that? This happened because it is in the nature of the snake to bite... habit can be changed but not nature... and the same is the case with man when man does not change his habit then it becomes nature and never changes.
As soon as Fatimah's grandmother heard from her mother, Osan became confused and started thinking that maybe my habit of telling lies has also taken the form of nature. No, I won't let that happen. From now on I will never lie… One should always try to give up one's bad habits lest bad habits become nature.